Infinity Has No Centre

This last year I focused on play. Play has been a feature in my work for the last four or five years, but this is the first time I was more conscious of it not as a subject but as a process and product.

1/31/20181 min read

This last year I focused on play. Play has been a feature in my work for the last four or five years, but this is the first time I was more conscious of it not as a subject but as a process and product.

Play is what happens when you absorb yourself in the process of making or doing, rather than the end product. Play is self-directed and moderated, and you opt out when you’ve had enough.


I played with my children in and around this body of work. We made shadow shows on the work, mixed colours, doodled, made marks and discussed. I had no idea how each piece would end up. We can’t underestimate the importance of play.