Emma Louise Pratt - Artist

Exploring visual storytelling through art and history, Emma Louise Pratt combines her passion for narratives with her artistic skills, creating unique pieces that resonate with the stories of our past.

Workshops and Courses

Te Maru o Hinemihi: Active member of committee

Tutor: Graphic Storytelling, Adult Learn and Train, Cambridge, UK


Education and Achievements

2024 - Present: Practice-based Ph.D, Fine Arts, School of Art, Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand.

2008: Master in Programming and Web Design, Spain

2006: Portrait painting under the tutelage of Seville Painter Meña Morillas, Spain

2000: Landscape painting under the tutelage of Seville Painter Paco Broca, Spain

1999: Cambridge CELTA, Seville, Spain

1995: Post Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies ( Equivalent of present Master) Massey University, Palmerston North New Zealand

1991 – 1994: Ilam School of Fine Art Canterbury University, Christchurch New Zealand

List of Projects, Collaborations, Presentations, Performance, Workshops & Exhibitions

November 2024: Tabling at Thought Bubble Fest, Harrogate, UK

July 2024: Cambridge Open Studios installation at Artspace, Cambridge, UK.

July 2023: Cambridge Open Studios, Pop-up Installation of a Graphic Novel in Process: Exhibition a Conversation, Exhibition as Research, Cambridge, UK

July 2021: Cambridge Open Studios: Exhibition and workshop drop-in space, Cambridge, UK

July 2020: Cambridge Open Windows, Citywide Lockdown Exhibition, Cambridge, UK

Jan – March 2020: Migration Stories Project: In collaboration with HonC!, community project gathering and responding to migration stories of our community. Paused during the pandemic.

October 2019: Ways of Seeing: Drawing as a Pathway to Deeper Thinking: Image Conference, Brussels

August 2019: New Work on Paper: Whitespace Contemporary Art, Auckland, Aoteaora New Zealand

April 2019: Workshop: Ways of Seeing: Drawing as a Pathway to Deeper Thinking: IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, UK

October 2018 to present: Artists in Schools Project and Artist Residency: Fawcett Primary School, Cambridge, UK

October 2018: Athens Image Conference Workshop, Athens, Greece

April 2018: A Workshop in Three Acts & Artist in Residence: Hilton and Brighton Centre, IATEFL International Conference, Brighton, UK

July 2017: Infinity Has No Centre: New Work: Whitespace Contemporary Art, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

December 2016: Cinco Años: Group Show at Wabi Sabi Gallery, Seville, Spain

November 29 2016: Paintings: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

October 2016: The Image Conference: Talk: Artists in Schools for Language Learning, Malta

May 2016: Colegio Beaterio de la Santisima Trinidad: Artists in Schools for Language Learning Project, Seville, Spain

November 2015: Group Show: Arusha Gallery at the Edinburgh Art Fair, Edinburgh, UK

October 2015: Innovate ELT Conference: Talk: Building Community for Teacher Development, Barcelona, Spain

May 2015: Group Show: Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh, UK

April 2015: Nada en Común: Group Show at Wabi Sabi Gallery, Seville, Spain

October 2014: Learning Technology SIG: Talk: Reflections on Building an Online Course and Social Learning, Dublin, Ireland

May 2014: Postcards from the Garden of the Moorish King: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2013: Witness: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2012: Irene Ferguson and Emma Pratt: Witness: Hastings City Art Gallery, Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2010: Look up Kathie Visual Work and Monologue: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2008: 40 Day Visual Work, Video, Audio and Spoken Works: GNS Science, Lower Hutt Whitespace Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

November 2007 -present: Christmas Group Shows Whitespace Gallery, Aotearoa Auckland, New Zealand

October, November 2007: Work from the Sanlucar Residency: Whakariuka nga Manu Inquietas son las Aves: New Works Solo Exhibition The British Institute, Seville and Tartaneros4, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain

September 2007: The Island Dweller New Works: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2007: TJFA Celebrating 10 Years Group Show: Taylor Jensen Gallery Palmerston North, Aotearoa New Zealand

May 2007: Group Show: Peter Rae Gallery Dunedin, Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2006: Elvis is a Go Man: Whitespace Gallery Aotearoa Auckland, New Zealand

October 2005: Ki a Te Popi: Whitespace Gallery, Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

August 2005: Journey to the Mountain: Taylor Jensen Gallery Palmerston North, Aotearoa New Zealand

March 2005: Stations of the Cross: St Andrews Presbyterian Church Palmerston North, Aotearoa New Zealand

October 2004: The Desert Road: Martinborough Gallery for Contemporary Art Martinborough, Aotearoa New Zealand

2003: Objects found on Shelves and Tables: McCormack Studio Gallery Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

2003: Interior: Taylor Jensen Gallery Palmerston North, New Zealand

2002: Home Land: Taylor Jensen Gallery Palmerston North, New Zealand

2001: Tres Mujeres en el Ateneo Group show: Ateneo Seville, Spain

1995: Time Marking: Community Arts Centre Hastings, New Zealand


2024 Alumni Scholarship Recipient

2023 Long Listed First Graphic Novel Prize, UK

2019 Finalist in the Parkin Drawing Prize Aotearoa New Zealand

2014 Finalist in the Focus Abengoa International Painting Prize, Spain

2007 Finalist in the Norsewear Award, Aotearoa New Zealand

2005 Runner up Molly Morpeth Canaday Award, Aotearoa New Zealand


Based in the UK, but from Aotearoa New Zealand, I draw inspiration from the rich histories and stories of our culture, creating art that resonates.

United Kingdom
