Autumn In the Garden of the Moorish King
In 2014, I had a two year old and a five year old. I was working developing online learning and supporting a partner in business. It is amazing that I managed to make any work at all, but I did. One work even made it to be a finalist fo the Abengoa International Painting Prize.
Emma Louise Pratt
2/1/20141 min read

El Huerto del Rey Moro, or The Garden of the Moorish King was a special place I would frequent with the girls. It is an inner city community run garden. It has been a garden for hundreds of years, supplying locals with produce. We think it may have served the old Moorish house that juts into it, and the local convent. The gardens re raised due to the archaeological significance of the space.
I spoke with a local archaeologist about the way the land would have looked and the significance of water. There is an old well, evidence of an old mill, both making use of rivers and streams that would have run through here. With time, these streams and rivers have been diverted, most significantly after the 1961 flood.
Water, I see you. I see you in the huge old fig that grows here, that has grown here since pre-Columbian times. Your root system so large, it's fingers stretch out 10s of meters in a circumference around you. They wanted to move you once. To place you where others would admire you, old as you are. But your root system caused them to give up on the idea.
Provide a short description of the gallery, highlighting key things.